Ücretsiz Fiyat Teklifleri | 25 Yıldan Fazla Tecrübe | Boya Kabinleri ve Fırınlar için 5 Yıl Garanti (715) 220-7601
Projeniz için Mükemmel Boya Kabinini Alın
İster endüstriyel terbiye ekipmanı için bir boya kabini ister oto boyama tesisiniz olsun, Otomasyon Proje Çözümlerinden sıra dışı bir tane alabilirsiniz. Sağladığımız her kabinde temiz ve güvenli çalışma ortamı.
Standard Features that Strengthen Booth Integrity
Industry-leading, W6x9 steel vertical members that allow the booth to accept standard manlifts without upgrades or upcharges
Structurally-sound steel to help eliminate the “oil canning” effect
Bright, full booth illumination provided by UL listed, four-tube, 32-watt, fluorescent light fixtures
“Anywhere placement” of personnel doors and light fixtures
5/16” bolts versus industry-standard 1/4” bolts for tighter, more secure bolting
Powder-coated structural steel members
Optional powder coating available
Design offers substantial savings during installation – taking up to 25% less time to complete the job
Spray booths manufactured by RTT meet and/or exceed all applicable OSHA and NFPA regulations
Cross Draft Large EquipmentÂ
The simplest configuration or airflow, crossdraft booths are efficient and economical. These booths are best suited for coating industrial/large equipment, truck and wood applications. Airflow entering the work environment from one end and exhausting from the other creates an airflow design useful for a wide range of products with minimal volume of air movement.
Modified Down Draft
Offering a clean and healthy work place, modified downdraft spray booths allow for easy pressurization without increasing the footprint of the booth. Airflow from the cleaner upper levels of the shop through the filter intake plenum creates a longer filter life for intake filtration in non-pressurized applications. Airflow design allows for use with a wide variety or product types and shapes.
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(715) 220-7601

Down Draft Large Equipment
Downdraft booths are among the most popular as a result of their superior airflow control. By managing overspray more efficiently and reducing prep time, downdraft booths redirect fresh air through a filtered booth ceiling for an enhanced work environment. The air moves down to the bottom of the booth where it is exhausted in an efficient, effective way.